Top 7 Date Ideas In Spruce Grove

Alright, so since I live in a city outside of the magnificent Edmonton, sometimes I feel lame not wanting to drive into the big city just to find something to do. People may not realize, but there are actually a few really awesome things to do in Spruce Grove that aren't your typical date night. Because Spruce Grove often gets overlooked, I thought I would blog the top 7 places I enjoy going for a date, or even just an outing with friends.
Seven: Mad Platter Bistro
This place is probably my favourite for a nice lunch. They have a perfectly light menu that can be followed by some of the most amazing home baked deserts. I also really enjoy their tea...if you're a tea drinker like myself, you'll love this place for a tea date. Another thing about The Mad Platter Bistro is their super cool mismatched plates, tea cups, and teapots, If you're as obsessed as I am with them, you can even purchase a part of their collection on your way out.
If you're looking for something interactive to do in Spruce Grove, golfing on this course that tours around Spruce Grove is a great option. This well kept course accommodates both experienced golfers for an 18 hole course, but is still a great place for your average Joe golfer to up their game. If you'd rather just practice, or learn how to golf, The Links offers an awesome driving range to hone your skills.
Five: Perks Coffee House
Caffeine, cute tea cups, snacks, and fancy drinks. That's all you need to convince me this cute little coffee shop is worth every second of a date. Whether you have plans with an old friend, your bestie, mom, or boyfriend, this place is perfect. I also love their ever changing collection of local artists hung on the walls.
Four: Sharks Pool Hall
Okay, I love playing pool. I have this competitive side to me that finds so much excitement in having competitions while on a date. I really enjoy Sharks to satisfy my competitive nature. This venue is a very affordable place to hangout, grab a drink, and play some pool for any occasion! The staff there are wonderful and I have never found it so overly crowded it takes away from a good time. Definitely a top pick for me.
Three: Porta Romana
Fresh Italian pasta. Yes PLEASE. This newly opened restaurant is definitely my favourite place to go for dinner in Spruce Grove. It is elegant yet simple. Their head chef shops for fresh ingredients not only daily...but twice every day to assure the quality for every dish that is served in his restaurant. The greatest part about this fancy place is that it is extremely affordable and totally romantic. I would even say it's worth the drive out from Edmonton to check this place out.
Two: Jacks Drive In
Easily the best milkshakes around. Jack's has been around for well over 50 years, and has definitely become a local icon in Spruce Grove. They are a 50's style diner with amazing burgers, soft serve ice cream, and the BEST banana boats. I have been enjoying going to Jack's since I was a young kiddo with my dad. We had a tradition of getting Jack's signature Koko Mint milkshakes around St. Patrick's Day every year, but I would still highly recommend this cute little diner on any occasion.
One: Putting Horse Ranch
It's all in the name; mini golf and horse back riding located on a quaint ranch property just North of Spruce Grove. Putting Horse Ranch is one of the most fun but relaxing atmospheres for a date I have ever been on. Their huge outdoor mini golf course includes par 3-5 holes that maneuver around 2 beautiful man made ponds. The owners of the ranch offer an appealing lounge as the walk out basement to their house for a nice refreshing drink or snack afterwards.